I have loved to create things with my hands as far back as I can remember. I have been a full time artist ever since I realized that I could support a life doing what I love. That took some time to learn.
I offer online art classes for adults in watercolor, drawing, sketchbooking, and creativity coaching. I also regularly take students on sketchbook field trips locally and on international sketching workshops. Best. Gig. Ever.
My artwork is available for purchase from my website’s Gallery page and at Red Sky Gallery in Lake Forest Park and Tsuga Fine Art in Bothell.
I believe that through art and play adults and children alike are able to understand their world and to establish connections to different areas in their life. Through art we are better able to understand and appreciate the world around us and develop a deeper relationship with ourselves.
For more information on the courses I am teaching please visit my Workshops page, click on the workshop you are interested in and you will see all the details and registration options. And do feel free to email me for more information.